Six Best Customer Acquisition Ideas
Customer acquisition is one of the most important aspect that drives sales. Therefore, having right strategy to acquire customers is an ongoing challenge that online businesses face.
And for B2B business, acquiring new clients is tough since you are usually targeting a much smaller and niche customer segment. So, how do you ensure customer acquisition? Here are few simple tips which you can integrate to grow your customer pool:
Use Content Marketing
Content marketing is the key to acquire new customers. Today customers do a great deal of online research before contacting prospect vendors. Hence you need to utilize your company’s thought leadership through content. It will help prospects find your business and become loyal customers from a general inquiry. Do remember to publish diversified content such as info-graphics, videos, webinars and eBooks.
Use Referral Network
There is no powerful marketing than satisfying your customers with the best possible products and services. Referral network and mouth-to-mouth marketing generates quite impressive business. Create a system for gathering referrals from customers and make it a regular exercise of your customer care or sales team.
Streamline Your Website
Optimize your website with right and targeted content as it generates search query across search engines. Include keywords that your customers uses while placing those queries. Updating keywords and SEO aspects of your website helps your business to stay tuned with the searches and customer’s interest.
Go Social
If you are building a business and aim to acquire new customers, then you definitely need to build competence for your brand. Social media helps you build that competency. It opens a plethora of opportunities to drive sales. Device your target audience and identify social channels where your prospects spend time. Be proactive and provide relevant information about your product/services on such platforms.
Partner Up
Building strong relationship with relevant partners can boost your customer acquisition cycle. It helps both of you to collectively expand the network of prospects. Co-host landing pages, events and seminars to attract new customers from a shared pool.
Unite Feedback Channels
Customers today enjoys social power where they can voice their experience, in both positive and negative ways across various social platforms. Hence it becomes important for you to collect their feedback and engage them in the best possible way. Your customers requires an effective communication platform where he can seek query and get their issues resolved. Unite all your feedback channels and focus on engagement. Effective engagement creates a perpetual cycle of customer acquisition.