Celexsa Technologies Blog

5 Apps Busy Executives Use to Work Smart

The right apps are as close you can get to adding a twenty-fifth hour to your day. No matter how hard you try, you really cannot create more time in your schedule. What you can...

6 Habits That Turn Dreams Into Reality

The secret of turning wishful thinking into a life of action and achievement. When I was growing up, I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I discussed this aspiration with career advisors, family and friends....

5 Marketing Tactics You Can Borrow From Popular Hotels

‘Hospitality’ has myriad possible interpretations. Hotel industry leaders are using a slew of them to create good feeling about their brands. Competition in the hotel industry is fierce, requiring companies to get more and...

5 Ways to Win Sales and Influence People

Conversations, especially the requirement to listen, are the key to conversion. To a degree, we’re all salespeople, whether our job title reflects it or not. If you work in account management or in a typical sales...

LinkedIn Your Way to Your Next Deal

LinkedIn is a powerful tool that can lead to plenty of great contacts and successful sales and deals. What do you do when you need to get to a person or a company? It...

14 Ways to Qualify a Sales Lead

These simple questions help you figure out whether you’re talking with a real customer or a lookee-loo. During your first conversation with a prospective customer, your job is to discover if they’ve got the...

5 Things You NEED to Pre-Qualify a Lead

One of the most overlooked yet essential stages of the sales process is the Pre-Qualification milestone. 67% of lost sales are as a result of sales reps not properly qualifying their potential customers before...

What is a Qualified Lead?

What is a lead? A lead or sales lead is defined by Wikipedia as ‘the identification of a person or entity that has the interest and authority to purchase a product or service’. Nowadays,...